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Quantitative Methods Case Study

Case Title:
College Canteen’s Decreasing Beverages’ Sales: Analysis Dilemmas
Publication Month and Year : July 2009
Authors: Thalluri Prashnath Vidya Sagar R Muthukumar
Industry: Not Applicable
Region: India
Case Code: QM0001
Teaching Note: Available
Structured Assignment: Not Available
Meant for ‘Scales of Measurement’, this case study presents Raghu’s analysis dilemma, the owner-manager of Matrix canteen, which sells various fast food items and beverages. Over the last few months however, he witnessed a steady drop in beverages’ sales. Based on his experience, he took all the measures, however, sales did not improve. Ramesh, Raghu’s friend, advised him to do an analysis of the buying habits and spending patterns of the customers. Raghu is confused about how should he go about getting the required data that would help him in finding answers to his dilemma and relation between: (a) age and gender (b) Impressions on the service offered by canteen employees (c) Preference for beverages
and (d) Amount spent on drinks.
Pedagogical Objectives:
- To understand the concept and practical applications of scales of measurement
- To discuss the implications of scales in Quantitative Methods/Statistics for Management.
Keywords : Quantitative Methods; Decision Science; Analysis; Scales; Measurements; MBA Course Case Mapping; Business Statistics; Quantitative Methods; Course Case Mapping